Parent Handbook
Rite of Christian Initiation of Children
“The parish community must continue to be the prime mover and pre-eminent place for catechesis.” Pope John Paul II
The Catechism of the Catholic Church (# 2223) states:
Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children…
Parents have a grave responsibility to give good example to their children.
The role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost
impossible to provide an adequate substitute. (# 2221)
RCIC Handbook
The RCIC Team are here to assist you in your role as primary educator of your child. This handbook is intended to provide information about the RCIC process of children at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 613-687-4764 and leave a message for a catechist to call you.
Parents are expected to make a serious commitment to see that their children attend each scheduled class. If an unforeseen situation occurs and your child must miss a class, the parent should call the Parish Office and leave a detailed message explaining the problem. Since attendance is one of the indicators of readiness for receiving a sacrament, parents will be contacted by the Religious Education Coordinator if the child misses twomeetings during the year. In some cases, an assessment may be necessary to determine if the child is ready to receive the sacraments.
Note: Hockey practices, games, tournaments, skating practices, Brownie sleep-overs, etc. are not legitimate reasons for missing a class.
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish is presently using the Children's Catechumenate Program developed by Brown-Roa.
If a child becomes disruptive in class and then refuses to heed the teacher’s charitable advice to correct this behaviour, the student will be asked to meet with the Religious Education Coordinator. On the second occasion of such disruptive behaviour and refusal to cooperate, the parent(s) and student will be asked to meet with the Religious Education Coordinator. If the disruptive behaviour occurs for the third time, a parent will be asked to remain in the child’s class during instruction.
The cost to parents for the books used for the preparation for RCIC is $10.00. The parish will assume the remainder of the costs for any materials required.
Rites in the RCIC
Throuhgout your child's RCIC process, you will be informed about upcoming liturgical rites thtat will be celebrated. Practices may be necessary for parents and children who will be participating in the rite. Please read all information sent home to you concerning your child's progress. Information about the rites may be included.
Attending Mass
All children enrolled in the program are required to attend Mass each Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation (Christmas and New Years Day). Parents who are Catholic are also required to attend Mass each Sunday with their children. This aspect of the program is very important and must be taken seriously. If you are finding it difficult to attend Mass each week, please pray for the discipline needed.
Role of the Parents
As well as ensuring that the children attend Mass and the scheduled classes, parents are expected to assist the children with the workbook provided. Catechists are available for help if questions arise. Contact the Parish Office for help.
The students will be expected to memorize certain prayers, such as:
Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be
Act of Contrition
Grace before Meals
How to pray the Rosary
Parents are asked to give the assistance needed to help your child at home. Suggestions will be given at parent meetings to help with this, and copies of the prayers will be available.
Parish Registration
Please note that filling out registration forms for your child to enter RCIC does not automatically register your family in the parish. It is very important that you fill out a registration form for Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. Registering is the best way to acquire a sense of belonging in our Parish Community.
Parent Commitment Form
Parents with children in the RCIC program will be asked to sign a Parent’s Commitment Form. Due to the limited time that we meet with your child, it is necessary for you to help us in reinforcing what is taught in the classes and to help with any memorization required. A copy of the form is attached.
Catechetical Team
All members of the RCIC Team have been screened according to Diocesan protocol and pledge to be faithful in the commitment to teaching and forming your children in the Catholic faith. We thank you for sharing your children with us. It allows us the privilege of sharing, teaching and learning more about our Catholic faith.